Today, February 13, 2025, the Official State Gazette (BOE) has published the Resolution of February 12, 2025, issued by the Secretary of State for Migration https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2025-2769.
This resolution introduces a residence permit for exceptional circumstances for all individuals who were registered or had requested an appointment for registration before November 4, 2024, in any of the following 78 municipalities:
Alaquàs | Albal | Albalat de la Ribera | Alborache |
Alcàsser | Alcúdia, l' | Aldaia | Alfafar |
Alfarb | Algemesí | Alginet | Alhaurín de la Torre |
Almussafes | Alzira | Benetússer | Benifaió |
Beniparrell | Bétera | Bugarra | Buñol |
Calles | Camporrobles | Carlet | Catadau |
Catarroja | Caudete de las Fuentes | Corbera | Quart de Poblet |
Cullera | Chera | Cheste | Xirivella |
Chiva | Dos Aguas | Favara | Fortaleny |
Fuenterrobles | Gestalgar | Godelleta | Guadassuar |
Letur | Llíria | Loriguilla | Llocnou de la Corona |
Llaurí | Llombai | Macastre | Manises |
Massanassa | Mira | Mislata | Montserrat |
Montroi/Montroy | Paiporta | Paterna | Pedralba |
Picanya | Picassent | Polinyà de Xúquer | Real |
Requena | Riba-roja de Túria | Riola | Sedaví |
Siete Aguas | Silla | Sinarcas | Sollana |
Sot de Chera | Sueca | Tavernes de la Valldigna | Torrent |
Turís | Utiel | València (Pedanías Sur) | Vilamarxant |
Yátova | Benicull de Xúquer |
To apply for this residence permit, the documents you need to gather are:
A complete copy of your valid PASSPORT, registration certificate, or travel document recognized as valid in Spain.
A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (Empadronamiento) in one of the aforementioned municipalities dated before November 4, 2024.
A CRIMINAL RECORD CERTIFICATE issued by the authorities of the country or countries where you have resided during the last five years prior to entering Spain. This document must be apostilled and translated into Spanish.
We have been given a period of 3 months to apply for this residence permit for exceptional circumstances.
The residence permit for exceptional circumstances will be valid for one year and will allow its holders to work as employees or self-employed individuals in any part of Spanish territory, in any occupation or sector of activity, provided they meet the minimum age requirement for employment.
If you or a family member were registered as residents in any of these municipalities before November 4, 2024, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help you start the process to apply for your residency permit in Spain. Send us a message on WhatsApp at 644657895, and we’ll take care of everything!